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The Ancient Medicine Chest - A look into Elderberry

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The Ancient Medicine Chest - A look into Elderberry

By Monique Meadows As the sun spends more time beaming down, kissing your skin, and beckoning the plants to blossom, the will to explore and get outside is more ignited than ever. The summer is a common time for most of us to affirmatively set aside time in our lives for some holiday…space to unwind, see new sights, and soak up new energy. Typically, holiday involves time traveling in airports and airplanes and we all know the two are a perfect breeding grounds for the common cold and the flu. There is nothing like the flu to ruin a sought after...

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Berry to the Rescue

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Berry to the Rescue  By Coco Pile ________________________________________________________________________ Elder berries are famous for their use in colds and flus, especially for nasal congestion. The use of this herb for helping relieve symptoms and overcoming the infection has been documented for over 2,000 years. The berry not only activates the immune system, but it directly impedes virus’ mechanisms to invade cells. If that wasn’t enough, elder berries are also excellent for their releasing properties. They are considered as diaphoretic and diuretic.  Meaning they allow perspiration and urination to release toxins and metabolic waste from the body. This is key for feeling more...

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Elder Berry Harvesting Tip

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Elder Berry Harvesting Tip

By Coco Pile When it comes to harvesting wild elder berries, it is common practice for the herbalist to ask the tree for permission to harvest before gathering any parts of the plant. Harvesting responsibly is of the upmost importance to respect the plant and the job it plays in the ecosystem, but also to protect the herbalist. Elder berries are poisonous to consume when they are still green. It is best to harvest them when the berries have developed and matured into their rich black color.

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